In 1920, Professor Abraham Van Helsing unearths an artifact of immense power as otherworldly forces approach Earth. He finds an ally with the Vatican but, when the generals of the most powerful European nations turn their back on a far-fetched appeal for soldiers, Van Helsing must recruit reclusive monsters shunned by mankind if there is any hope for humanity’s survival.
Van Helsing sends Alessia Abersole, a woman he saved as a young child and now Captain of the Swiss Guard, to track down the wild wolfman Francis Aberline, the fierce monster of Dr. Frankenstein, and the creature from the Black Lagoon.
Bribing each monster with their respective greatest desires, Van Helsing assembles his team and equips them as the alien forces begin their invasion of Earth with vastly superior weaponry and advances their mother ship toward the Vatican and the artifact Van Helsing bequeathed to the pope.
Alessia and her team of inhuman heroes arrive in time to battle the aliens in an action-packed battle but are unable to stop the invading force from stealing the orb and seem to be overpowered until Count Dracula arrives; His power is enough to repel the otherworldly attackers but not enough to reclaim the orb.
Van Helsing is not happy that the team now includes the world’s most powerful vampire, nor is he happy that Alessia has begun to empathize with and even befriend her new allies.
Aenean mattis venenatis placerat. Donec eu augue rutrum, elementum dolor nec, efficitur mauris. Vivamus sollicitudin luctus mauris eu commodo. Vestibulum non placerat nisl, nec scelerisque neque. Nulla rutrum magna eget mauris maximus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus erat lacus, dapibus nec mauris ac, cursus sodales risus. Integer porttitor odio cursus urna tincidunt, quis cursus nisl tristique. Aliquam molestie venenatis nisl ut consequat. Nam mollis pellentesque nisl sit amet feugiat. Suspendisse laoreet placerat dolor, ac placerat eros dignissim eu. Nulla ullamcorper ut tortor vel rhoncus.